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10 Things to Do While You’re Waiting for Labor to Start

Writer's picture: Anna DunworthAnna Dunworth

Here I am, 38 weeks pregnant and waiting for our new baby girl to arrive.

If you’ve ever been in the same situation, you can probably relate to what I’m feeling: impatience, discomfort, a hyperawareness of every pain and feeling. Is it labor?! Who knows?

With my first, I was in labor for almost an entire day before I noticed. I just thought I was having regular old non-labor back pain…until my water broke.

Anyway, here are 10 things to do while you’re waiting for labor to start.

  1. Clean every mess as soon as you make it, just in case you have to rush out.

  2. Try everything from acupressure to “curb walking” to try and convince the baby to come out while your husband and toddler watch like you’re crazy.

  3. Text your friends and family to let them know it might be time, only to rescind this a few minutes later.

  4. Google every minor pain, ache, and feeling to see if MAYBE this is a sign of early labor.

  5. Eat a lot and drink a lot of water. Worry that you shouldn’t be doing this.

  6. Do many tiny loads of laundry, just in case.

  7. Keep adding random things to your hospital bag with the understanding that you probably won’t even open the thing until you get back home. Put it in the car. Bring it back inside. Repeat.

  8. Wrack your brain to try to remember what early labor felt like last time and vow to write down how you’re feeling this time around.

  9. Wrap the Christmas presents you meant to finish but never did. Remember that you forgot to buy some and get halfway in the car before your husband reminds you that maybe you should stay home because you might be going into labor.

  10. Spend every possible minute snuggling with your toddler on the couch. Become overwhelmed by emotion when you realize you'll be away from him for at least two days, and even when you get home, nothing will be the same. Remember that you’re giving him a wonderful gift in his new sister and feel happy. Repeat.

Bonus #11: Write a Medium post to pass the time while you wait, wait, and wait some more.

That’s all from me - Hopefully, this will be my last post until the arrival of our baby girl!


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