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Full Unit: The World in 1750

Full Unit: The World in 1750


This is a complete ready-to-teach unit that provides a brief overview of the World in 1750, with a focus on power and introductory social studies concepts.


This Bundle Includes:

  • Unit Plan
  • Lesson 1: Geographic Features Stations 
  • Lesson 2: the Ottoman Empire
  • Lesson 3: the Tokugawa Shogunate
  • Lesson 4: the Mughal Empire
  • Lesson 5: the Qing Dynasty
  • Lesson 6: Unit Review (Class Discussion About Power)
  • Full Unit Assessment
  • Unit Notes & Additional Information PDF


Each lesson comes with the lesson plan, classwork handouts, exit ticket handouts, all required materials, and an accompanying slides presentation. Everything is editable/customizable.


Additional Notes About This Unit

This is Unit 1 in the Modern Global History Curriculum. It covers 1750-present.


This unit is not meant to be a comprehensive overview of the world in 1750 – That would take many more lessons (and possibly its own course) to cover adequately. Instead, this unit is designed to present students with a basic overview of a few major civilizations in the year 1750.


More importantly, this unit is designed to introduce students to major skills and concepts they will encounter during a modern history course:

  • Historical concept of power – What does it mean, who has it, and how do historians learn about the power structures of societies
  • Source annotation skills – Specifically, how to annotate a source for a research question
  • Source analysis skills – Text and image analysis
  • Basic geography concepts – geographic features and they impact people/places/society
  • Classroom routines 
  • Basic historical writing skills - Thesis statements with supporting evidence
  • File Format

    The lesson plan, classwork, and exit ticket come in editable Microsoft Word documents. You can also upload these into Google Docs with minimal formatting required.

    The slides presentation is an editable Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation. You can upload this into Google Slides with minimal formatting required.

  • Copyright Info

    Anna Dunworth created these materials for AD Writing LLC. Materials may not be copied for resale without the express written permission of Anna Dunworth or AD Writing LLC.  (© AD Writing LLC (2022)

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