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Group Role Cards


Print these colorful group role cards to distribute to students during group work. Each card clearly defines what the student should be doing to complete the assigned task with their peers successfully.



This is an admin favorite that aligns with domains 1 and 2 of the Danielson Framework for Teaching.

  • Print Instructions

    This product will download as a PDF with one page per role card.  

    Follow these steps to print all six role cards on one page:

    1. Open your print settings
    2. Select your printer
    3. Click "Multiple"
    4. Choose 6 pages per sheet 
    5. Enable a page border (optional)
    6. Change your orientation to portrait mode

    There is an image of what these print settings should like included in the images on this product. Feel free to shoot me an email if you need help with this :)

  • Copyright Info

    Anna Dunworth created these materials for AD Writing LLC. Materials may not be copied for resale without the express written permission of Anna Dunworth or AD Writing LLC.  (© AD Writing LLC (2022)

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