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Unit Plan Template

Unit Plan Template


Designed with both teachers and administration in mind, this fill-it-in yourself template is slimmed down to the essentials of your unit planning. It includes everything you need to make your planning a breeze AND what the admin needs to see to give you a great rating for planning during your teacher observation. No extras, no fluff.


What you get:

  • Easy-to-follow template that includes clearly defined and well-organized space for essential questions, learning targets, summative assessment, other assessment, standards alignment, resources, and instructional progression

  • Each section includes relevant sub-sections 

  • Helpful hints, prompt questions, and examples to help you complete your unit plan quickly and efficiently

  • Yellow highlights on all text you will need to update before submitting the unit plan to your admin (Ex: "Teacher Name")


Recommended for:

  • New teachers

  • Teachers looking to re-vamp their unit planning

  • Teachers looking to organize their existing lesson plans into effective units

  • Administrators looking for an excellent unit planning template to share with their faculty and staff

  • File Format

    This resource was designed on Microsoft Word but can be uploaded into Google Docs for use there. All document elements are organized using collapsible headings, so you can open and close sections as desired. It is also 100% customizable so you can adjust it to fit your own needs and requirements.

  • Copyright Info

    Anna Dunworth created these materials for AD Writing LLC. Materials may not be copied for resale without the express written permission of Anna Dunworth or AD Writing LLC.  (© AD Writing LLC (2022)

  • Need something more specific to your classroom?

    Looking for something more specific to your classroom? I also create curriculum materials specifically for your classroom.

    Custom materials are ghostwritten so you can put your name on them for use in your classroom. They will be unbranded and logo free. As long as you don’t try to sell my work as your own, your secret is safe with me.


    Custom orders can include anything you need for your classroom. I’ll share them only with you; you’ll never see them online or in another teacher’s portfolio.

    Popular orders include:

    • Unit Plans
    • Lesson Plans
    • Instructional Materials
    • Classroom Activities
    • Slides Presentations
    • Study Guides
    • Instructional Videos

    Click here to get in touch about your next custom order.

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